Monday, July 7, 2008

Being Single Isn't Always A Bad Thing

As the designated single woman in my circle of friends, I am often subjected to ideas of where I should meet men, and am told about people they could perhaps set me up with. The fact that I am still single should tell you that none of them have exactly hit the mark.
It's always fun for me when people who have been married for 20 years or so give me advice about my single status. Like me before my divorce, their last dates were many presidential administrations ago, and well, things have changed a little bit since the 80s - believe it or not!
I decided to write this particular post because I was e-mailing with a friend who is also a writer ( and well, there's nothing like the fun exchange from writers looking to write anything but their books). Years ago she had asked her husband if he knew of anyone single who they might fix me up with (truly, at times like that I could not feel more pathetic) and he mentioned one guy. But there was a proviso: he had been arrested on rape charges, but they didn't know if the charges were going to stick. Score! Yes, alleged rapists are what my friends are choosing for me. Thank you VERY much folks.
When I mentioned to this same friend today that I'd recently stopped seeing someone she mentioned she had someone new in mind - her sexually ambiguous next door neighbor who seems to be having some financial problems since his house has gone unfinished for two years. Truly, how can I resist the draw of the might-be-gay broke guy? Of course she was saying all of this with her tongue firmly planted in her cheek, but I had to just laugh out loud that this is what life has come to: a guy awaiting trial, and a guy, well, maybe awaiting a guy.
The late mother of a friend of mine told me once, "Better to be alone than wish you were alone," and I've never forgotten that. We all know just because someone is lying next to you in that queen sized bed doesn't mean you're happy or content. I'd rather have the courage to be single and stand on my own two feet than just be with someone so I'm not alone. I want that zsa zsa zsu, and I'm willing to hold out for it. Sorry potentially gay guy.

1 comment:

Hallowtide said...

How about A-Rod? His wife filed for divorce today, he makes 28 million a year, and Madonna says the rumors about their affair are false.