Saturday, February 7, 2009

Is Nadya Suleman Trying To Be Angelina Jolie?

Am I the only one who thinks the fact that octuplet mother Nadya Suleman wears her hair just like Angelina, has full lips that resemble Jolie's ( which btw look inflated with some type of filler) is more than just a little creepy? This woman clearly seems to be unbalanced, and the doctor who supported this medical travesty should be held accountable for enabling this behavior. It really seems that she is trying to mirror Jolie's large family and has fashioned herself after her in appearance and demeanor. Even her comments about leading an "unconventional" life are practically verbatim what Jolie has said. The difference is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are multi-millionaires who can hire help and provide well for their children, Suleman clearly cannot.

This is a woman who lives in a two bedroom house with her mother, is unemployed and single. For her to say the only reason people are shocked is because she's single in insane. People are shocked because she seems pretty wacky. Her own mother has doubted her sanity.

In the interview above she talks about how when she's done with school she will be able to support them. She's training to become a therapist, (watch out folks, you may want to seek help from someone who seems a bit more together) but even with a Master's degree she can't hope to make enough money to support 15 people.

No one should be having children to fill an empty life. She has talked about how she had a dysfunctional childhood and wanted to create this family to make up for that. She has suffered from a debilitating injury for which she received money (money she used for the IVF) and suffered from depression for years she has said. I'm not saying someone who has been depressed shouldn't be a parent - I'm just saying they might not be the safest bet for trying to raise 14 children on their own.

You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube on this one. These children are here and they are going to need a village to help raise them. It just seems a shame that no one seemed to notice that this appears to be one troubled woman and got her some help before 14 innocent children had to be dealt this hand.


Unknown said...

I agree 100%. This woman needs to stop giving interviews because every time she opens her mouth she appears more insane and irresponsible. She is also extremely arrogant in thinking that she can possibly manage her brood. I felt overwhelmed just watching her life w/ her first 6 children on Dateline.

I noticed right away that she looks like Angelina Jolie. Her lips and nose have obviously had some work. The nose job is not a very good one and I'm wondering where she got the money for that. If you look at old pictures of her, her appearance is completely different than it is now. I also think she tried to downplay her AJ look on her follow-up appearance on the Today Show.

Scarlett and Annabelle Darling said...

I don't think the ONLY reason people aren't up in arms about Brad and Angelina having 6 kids is because they're wealthy - it's because they don't appear to be completely delusional.

Karla Benites said...

yes!!! wow i was thinking exactly the same before i found this blog..she want to look so bad like angelina with her nose job and those lips she filled with collagen probably...

something else i realized is: she wears acrylic fake nails... those acrylyc nails cost montly around $100, so in a year it adds up to $ 1200 dollars at least! ... how the heck she has money to spend in extra things like fake acrylic nails ? whose money is that? ...she is a demon crazy moron..really..
she also faked 3 of her children have some kind of disability , why? in order to obtain more free money from us...

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't even understand her when she talks through those fat "trout-mouth" ['Angelina'] lips! Am I the only one who gets truly 'nauseous' just watching her & trying to listen to her? I really want to throw up at the sight of her, and when she opens her mouth to talk, then, it's all I can do to keep from running to the bathroom to 'up-chuck'! And as far as those fake, acrylic fingernails; I cringed when they showed the video of her 'petting around' on her delicate little sickly babies with those stupid long nails! What if she snagged one on their hair, for God's sake! If I was their nurse I'd order her to put some latex gloves on before she could even touch them! Can you imagine the dirt & germs breeding under them (no matter how much she washes her hands, she couldn't get the grime out from under those fake nails)!

I won't even go into what I think of her as a "Mother"! I think we all have the same opinion; & we are just in bewilderment by it all! Suffice it to say; she is a scam artist of the worst kind -- on the poor little fragile backs of those preemie babies! God Bless Them -- but not their diabolical, conniving mother! Let's pray for those children -- all 14 of them -- they will need it!

Unknown said...

She needs to be sterilized. Her kids should be taken away and put up for adoption. Imagine the mountains of laundry in her two-bedroom house, the filth, the unwashed dishes, the boodle fights over food, etc.

kpb38 said...

I couldn't agree with you more. You can see from her pregnancy photos that she has indeed had work done on her nose and lips. Where does she get the money for plastic surgery when she's on welfare???? And I think people "are up in arms" about Angelina having too many kids. She is populating the world with children that other people raise and take care of. I think they're BOTH mentally unstable.

None said...

It is so funny how everyone has a negative comment but no one actually knows this woman. How can anyone make a statement without talking to her family, friends and most of all spending time with her and the children. I always say "Do not judge others...we have not walked in their shoes". I have friends that have come from dysfunctional families and their dream was to have children of their own. They are by far some of the best parents around. Speaking for myself I came from a very traditional family, went to college, traditionally married with 2 children and there are times I feel like pulling my hair out. i am impressed with the fact that she is getting her Masters. From my employment background I know for a fact she had to go through a lengthy process to make sure she was stable enough to have these children. Yes this is not the norm but I have seen so many families that are the norm and one of the parents are abusing the children and hiding it behind walls. As far as looking like Angelina...Who cares

Unknown said...

The state of this world is fucking shameful. Since when does a clearly mentally unstable, irresponsible, broke woman who irresponsibly had 14 children and is unable to provide for them start becoming famous with money fucking pouring into her account. I don't get it.

She'll get all kinds of support not just from the interviews but from OUR freaking taxdollars.WE the fucking people are going to be supporting her million kids for the next eighteen years if she's allowed to keep them. Support them after she graduates?

I'd bet good money she won't be able to make shit, somebody as irrational and immature as her.

Unknown said...

and tlc. alright I don't know her, nobody does.

But nobody knows the drunk dude who kicks his wife and kids' ass every night.

The fact remains is, she has kids that she canNOT afford and will be affording at the EXPENSE of other people. Nothing wrong with having a lot of kids.. if you have the resources to make sure that they have good life.

youknowwhoiam said...

Wow, so I wasn't the only one to notice! She is a psycho also!

Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that Angelina Jolie only has 3 biological children. She didn't bring the rest of them into the world- they were already here. She saved then from living in poverty in aLeave your comment
n orphanage and facing certain death at a young age. She did a wonderful and selfless thing for these innocent children. For someone to suggest that she's in any way irresponsible or unstable for taking care of these abandoned children is completely ludicrous. She saved their lives.