Think you can do it? This means no Facebook, no Twitter, no myspace.
If you're up to the challenge go here to sign up.
I'll be honest, almost all my work life is on the Web. But, I do not Twitter - truly my life is not that interesting. I've thought about it and wondered about doing trying it, but seriously, I sit in front of a computer for probably 10-12 hours a day. I go to the gym, I clean the cats' litter box and eat standing up in my kitchen. A thrilling life it is not. It occasionally gets spiced up with some movies, music and friends, but basically there's nothing going on that anyone would ever want to read about.
Also, for all my multi-tasking - I blog, I am a columnist, I write feature stories and am working on my second book, I don't feel the need to share minute by minute breakdowns of my day with anyone. Even my children don't want to know what I'm doing all day long. I can see the Tweets now:
"Still sitting at the computer"
"Made some tea. It tastes really good."
"Oh my God, there's a spider on my desk!"
"Something in my fridge smells bad, but I'm hungry so I'm ignoring it."
Yeah, not exactly front page news.
If you think you may be a bit addicted to social networking you might want to try to take a week off. Chances are after a day or two you might find you have a lot of time to do other things on your hands.
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