Just a little while ago I was cleaning up my kitchen while watching the news, and this damn Yoplait yogurt commercial came on.
In the commercial a husband is on the phone talking to a friend about how he's been eating Boston cream pie, Key lime pie and all sorts of treats and losing weight. While he's talking the wife is looking in the fridge and sees her yogurt is missing. She gives him THE LOOK and he sheepishly gets off the phone.
There are others as well, and the woman is of course - a mean mom.
Why oh why do we always have this stereotype of the mean mommy and the doofus man/child? Women are so often portrayed as punishing bitches and men are cast as stupid in need of a grownup to make them tow the line. Left to their own devices they will blow up the house, feed the children a steady diet of cheese curls and Yoo-hoo and never bathe.
I don't know about other women, but I don't see myself as the person who keeps a partner in line and acting like a responsible adult. That's his job. Any guy who needs me to be a mommie, mean or otherwise should be looking elsewhere for companionship.
In the "Sex and the City" movie, Miranda, while looking for a Halloween costume says to Carrie, "There are only two choices for costumes for women, sexy kitten or witch." To which Carrie replies, "You said a mouthful sister."
Do we really only have two archetypes - sexy vixen or bitch? Hmm, I don't really think so. I know lots of women and most are neither. I just want to know where our yogurt commercial is.
Right on!!!! Let's all get together...script our own commercial...and Youtube here we come! I'm serious!!!! You can be the hot chick that keeps her bod toned and healthy FOR HERSELF, has incredible energy and vitality to nurture and care for her family!!!! Let's make a whole new set of profiles for what we really are as women. Okay, I'm stepping off my soapbox now!
Thanks for the insightful comment, Cait!! I agree, time to change the paradigm!
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