I spent a good part of last week writing an article for the Cape Cod Times about Valentine's Day to run on February 12. The theme was great love stories. I asked several people to tell me about their favorite love song, movie or book. I got a myriad of answers, and I learned something else: lots of people HATE Valentine's Day. I mean REALLY hate it. I have to admit I was a little stunned at the intensity of these feelings.
Admittedly I have had my own strained relationship with the holiday. Mostly I've loved it, but there have been times I've been a bit less than simpatico with the day. Sometimes it served as a reminder of a lost love, or felt like a flashing sign screaming "loser" when strolling the aisles of my local CVS looking to purchase nail polish remover and the latest copy of Glamour, and coming face to face with teddy bears dressed as cupid. There were times, in the past I wanted to rip their furry little heads off.
But no more. I've made peace with Valentine's Day in last few years and have become one of its biggest fans, even in the face of detractors willing to pitch heart shaped candies at my loving, smiling face. I am now leading a one-woman campaign to help people see it isn't just about romance, it's about love. It's not about breaking the bank to buy over-priced roses and jewelry, it's being kind and thoughtful to those you love - whether it's a child, partner, parent or pet.
I think Valentine's Day is the sweetest holiday of the year. There's no big rush to buy everyone you know a gift, no endless to-do list or huge meal to prepare for your entire extended family. It's simple and it' s sweet.
And in my mind, any day that gets us to think about loving one another and being sweet is indeed a very good thing.
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