I decided to go through the training after a life coach helped me post-divorce. Sure I did therapy, but after a while even I got tired of my whining. My coach helped me to see everything I had to look forward to, and not get mired in the past. He helped me map out a path to the future, my future.
What I found was a whole new and yes, happy life. I also found that I loved helping others, especially women in transition to do the same. I'm a natural born cheerleader and love supporting people in discovering who and what they truly want to be.
While I've been madly creating a writing career I have kept just a few long-time clients, but have decided that I would like to take on a few more people who are motivated and ready to change their lives for the better.
Have you always thought of trying your hand at writing a column for your local newspaper but don't know how to go about it? Don't know how to get yourself out there in the dating world after a breakup? Want to lose weight and get in shape? Hiring a coach is like having a little secret weapon, someone who is in your corner and who's sole purpose is to support you, and call you on your stuff when you're not following through - but in a nice way!
Coaching is not a substitute for counseling. Coaches are not trained to deal with issues like clinical depression. What we are trained to do is hold our clients accountable and help them reach the goals they set for themselves. Yes, there is homework, but how great is homework that's all about you?!
For the most part coaching in done on the phone (how convenient is that?) so it doesn't matter if you're in Los Angeles and I'm on Cape Cod.
I offer a free session to see if we're a good fit (any coach worth their salt does) - very important in coaching. I do not ask my clients to hang crystals, believe in "The Secret," or do anything new age-y, unless they want to.
And please know, that while I write about silly things and try to make people laugh with my writing, hopefully successfully here and there, that is my writing voice. It is a piece of who I am, not all of me. Hopefully we'll have fun while we work at creating your best life, but I approach supporting and helping my clients very seriously.
You can e-mail me through my blog, and let me know if you'd like to give coaching a try. You've got nothing to lose, and maybe a whole new life to gain.
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