Monday, April 7, 2008

Talking Smack and Hurting Ourselves

I wrote a piece for the Cape Cod Times last week about gender bias in reporting on celebrities. My point was that the media is often much harder on female celebrities than male.
I've noticed the pattern in my covering celebrities like Britney Spears and Heath Ledger; seeing the difference in how her emotional breakdown was handled VS his death. I think there is often a lack of respect shown to the women, and I am tired of it.
I've been aware for a while of how the media is treating George Clooney's girlfriend, 28-year-old Sarah Larson, but with the release last week of some somewhat salacious photos, the attacks got worse.
Now I am an unlikely defender of this young woman, George has been my make-believe boyfriend for several years now. It wasn't easy seeing him lip-locked with the pretty brunette, but I truly only want the best for George, so I have adjusted and dealt with the loss.
What amazed me was how many blogs were referring to the former waitress and model as a "slut" and a "whore." These are harsh, mean words.
The situation seemed to reach a new level when I read that George had been receiving threatening phone calls to break up with the "bitch" "or else."
Like I said, I have joked for years about wanting a date with George, thinking I was truly the best woman for him, but the level of hate leveled at a woman who has done nothing to hurt anyone (expect maybe dash a few fantasies) is truly ridiculous.
It started with ripping her dress choice for the Oscars to shreds, a dress I thought looked lovely and feminine. Every week since then we've heard from former roommates and boyfriends, all talking about how wild she is. So what?
Hey, I'm the first to admit that I wish George was interested in a woman who is a mom, likes to bake, and is funny and smart. And has an affinity for Hello Kitty. But he likes women who are young, beautiful and maybe a bit wilder than this one. Totally his prerogative. There is no need to call her bad names and find things wrong with her just because you can't have him!
It's 2008 folks, it's time for women to stop tearing each other apart. Let's stop acting like pre-teen brats and support each other rather than calling each other sluts and whores.
So my friends, do what I did, let go of the dream of ever being with George Clooney and accept the fact that at least for now he's made his choice. I do admit that I haven't given up all hope - there may come a time that Sarah wants a guy closer to her age, and I'll be right there to swoop in to rub Icy-Hot on George's sore muscles and happily tell him he's still the man. I'm woman enough to do that, because I know he'd be lucky to have me, and I don't need to call anyone else a slut to feel that way.

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