I've long thought how freaky it is that people (meaning mostly female actresses) are freezing their faces with botox, and having surgery that takes away all the character of their faces.
When I was watching the SAG awards a couple of weeks ago, I was struck by the incredible beauty of actress Julie Christie, and what an incredible beauty she still was, now in her late 60s. Christie was an incredible beauty as a young actress, and she still is. How lovely to see someone confident enough to not succomb to the pressure to look preternaturally young.
In America we live in a culture of striving for perfection, and never looking older - hey, 40 is the new 20, 30 must be the new 15! How encouraging it was to see a woman as stunning as Ms. Christie not pulled and trussed and pumped full of botox.
Sometimes when I see Nicole Kidman it makes me kind of sad that at the ripe ancient age of 40, she feels the need to freeze her face and make it devoid of any character or movement.
It isn't just women who have altered their appearence by any stretch of the imagination (or skin). My lord, I saw Bob Dole on CNN the other night and coulnd't believe what he's done to himself, and remember he used to shill for Viagra as well. And what about Kenny Rogers? Before and After If his face was any tighter his eyes would be in the back of his head.
I saw Cher being interviewed this morning denying she's had much work done and I just wanted to scream - hello! The emperess' face is frozen!
I read once that Catherine Denueve said, at a certain point a woman has to choose between her face and her ass. So maybe therin lies the solution - if all these women were comfrotable weighing more than a small child their faces might age a little more gracefully. And oh yeah, maybe if you didn't smoke to stay skinny that would help too.
I hope as I age I have the courage, and hell yeah, the good genes to allow my face to show the life I've had. Well, there are some things that would be all right if they stayed far away from my face I don't need to be reminded of EVERYTHING.
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