Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hearts and Noses Afire

It occured to me this morning, as I was sitting here in front of my computer, that it's Valentine's Day Eve. I know, it doesn't get the press that Christmas Eve does, but when you're single, Valentine's Day is sort of in your face from the day after Christmas on.

Anyway... as I sat here I started to laugh at myself, because frankly, the way I was looking, even if someone loved me dearly already, they wouldn't be too excited by what they saw at that moment.

See, I still have this cold, and frankly, I have looked so much cuter in my life.

First, there are the clothes. Since the only creature with a pulse that I saw yesterday was Sashi my wacky cat, I didn't put a lot of effort into the bedtime outfit. I was going purely for coziness and comfort. This ensemble consisted of my sushi pajama pants (with pictures of sushi, not actual sushi) paired with a long-sleeved t-shirt (that didn't match) and then, for the final flourish, a Hello Kitty bathrobe that just gave the outfit that certain something something. Yes, I was a vision.

When you add to this the drippy, raw nose and the matted hair, well, it was pretty sad.

I saw a segment on the Today Show about the art of being sexy and how you shouldn't have to try too hard, well, I think I get bonus points today.

I don't have a hot date for tomorrow - yet. But you never know what might happen. I have to run out a little later to get some more Kleenex and orange juice, who knows what cute fellow virus sufferer I might meet in the cold and flu aisle. We just might be a match made in drippy heaven.

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