Cheryl is one of the most well-know life coaches around, having appeared on Oprah, lots of other talk shows and her own PBS specials.
I had talked to her about that struggle of trying to take a career to the next level - the pressure you feel and what you can do about it.
She told me that when she was initially trying to make it as a speaker and coach that she decided she had to take another job to make ends meet. She interviewed for a job at a college, and before she even started she got several speaking gigs and never needed to take the job.
As I've been reading this book I've been taking special note of when things happen, letting go and what has been showing up in my life. What happened to me this morning was a prime example.
Over the winter there was a storm that was so strong it lifted up a table on my deck and shattered it. I hadn't moved it indoors because it was too heavy for me to move by myself, and I took a gamble that obviously didn't pay off. The table and chairs had been a gift from a good friend who had gotten something new and kindly gave me the set she no longer needed - I was thrilled and my kids and I used it all summer.
I was very upset that it was broken, and since I'm not in a position right now to run out and get a new one, I didn't know how I'd be able to replace it. Last night I was thinking about it and was wondering if the small table with two chairs on my front porch would look too stupid on the deck. I also wondered how my whole family would ever fit around this tiny table.
Yesterday as I left to go to the gym I took note of all the cars lining my street, all there for an estate sale that I didn't know was going to be happening. Feeling like I had more than enough crap of my own I didn't stop. This morning however, when I went for a walk I looked over at the house as I walked by and saw a whole set of deck furniture that hadn't been there yesterday. On my loop back I stopped in and saw there was a glass-top table, four chairs, an umbrella and a chaise lounge. I went inside and asked how much it was, we bartered a little, and I got all of it for $40. I immediately thought of Cheryl's book, and thought this was one of those moments of grace. I'd put it out there that I needed something and it showed up.
I know my cynical children would tell me to get over myself and that it was one big fat coincidence, but I don't think so. These kinds of things happen too often for me to believe that. The friend who you think of but haven't talked to in months who suddenly e-mails for calls, an unexpected check that arrives in the mail, for me these are all acts of grace.
I've been reading the book every night and have been thinking a lot about the act of surrendering and letting go, not easy for a control freak like me. But I'm finding when I consciously let go of the outcome and surrender to what is, things work out and I'm a lot less stressed.
Try it - get a copy of the book if you like (As a life coach I've read LOTS of self help books and this is a very good one) and see where you might find moments of grace in your own life. I know I can't wait to see what shows up next in mine.
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