Monday, May 26, 2008

Sisterhood of the Not-So-Smarty Pants

Tonight on E! two new shows premiere - "It's Complicated" and "Living Lohan."
"It's Complicated" stars former B-list (now more of a C-minus lister) actress, Denise Richards. Unfortunately what she's most well-known for now is her extremely ugly divorce from actor Charlie Sheen. Well that's not exactly true, she's also known for having a relationship with Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi fame, who used to be married to one of Denise's friends, Heather Locklear. Are you keeping up? My sense is she's not a rocket scientist, but who knows, maybe she's hiding a 140 IQ under those extensions, but I kinda doubt it.
The other new show starting tonight, (that I not-so-secretly can't wait to see) "Living Lohan" stars the family of rehab-frequenting, alleged fur-coat stealing, maybe-girlfriend of Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan. Mother, Dina now has her talons sites set on making Lindsay's younger sister, Ali a star. This woman actually has four children, heaven help us - there may be two more Lohans to see stumbling out of Hyde and hanging out with inappropriate people.
I often straddle two mindsets when writing about celebrities and kids. First and foremost I am a mother. I like to think I wouldn't want to profit from my children, but I would probably have to eat my words because I have written about them, and probably will again at some point in time, so apparently I am a big hypocrite. The other side of me is the celebrity journalist/blogger so I find it all so fascinating. For all my tsk'ing about poor Angie and Brad being subjected to endless hounding by the paparazzi, I have to admit to glancing at photos of their children and Angie's ever-expanding belly online. More hypocrisy!
So maybe for all my high-horse stances about how not-smart these two women are, I'm thinking they're a lot smarter than me. They're sure making a lot more money that I am, and there's nothing dumb about that.

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