I was interested to see former "Bachelor," Travis Stork, M.D. on television hawking a new book he's written about dating called, "Don't Be That Girl."
I am also always very excited to hear what new insights I can gain about what we women do wrong by listening to a guy, well,telling us what's wrong with us.
According to Stork, there are lots of categories of single women, like the Agenda Girl, the Working Girl, (I'm hoping that's better than what it sounds like, because even I have to agree that a "working girl" might not be the safest bet for a relationship)and others.
Now if I was a guy I'd be pretty wary of a woman who looks like the one on the cover of the book, she looks like Britney Spears on a not-so-great day, and well, most guys (unless you're a paparazzo seeking a green card) wouldn't want to go near the drama.
This is just the newest tome in a line of books by men telling us how to snag them. Stork at least doesn't seem as misogynistic as Steve Santagati, the guy who wrote, "The Manual" and it's certainly a step up from that book of the obvious, "He's Just Not That Into You." Seriously? Are we single women so stupid that we needed a 165 page book telling us that if he doesn't call us back, if he's sleeping with other women, if he doesn't call, maybe he doesn't like you?! And, written by a former stand-up comic?
So all these books got me thinking - what would I want a guy to know about what not to do? I came up with my all-time top-five things men shouldn't do.
1. Don't be the guy with this list for one thing. I doubt you want to be categorized any more than we do. Though I must admit it might be tempting to judge, and sure I have - the guy who hadn't heard of "High Fidelity"? Yeah, no second date.
2. Don't say one thing and mean another. If after a date "you're just not that into us," don't say, "Let's do it again!" because you feel guilty - grow a pair! Be honest, but kind.
3. Don't curse a lot, ogle other women, burp or pick your teeth. No further explanation needed.
4. You don't have to wear a tux, but please, shower and put on some clean clothes. Most women put a lot of thought into what they wear on a date, at least try to look like you made a little effort.
5. Unless you're a member of the Soprano or Gambini family, don't wear jewelry. Bling is one thing if you're Jay Z, not so cool if you're Jay Smith.
So there you have it guys - if you don't want us to be that girl, don't be that guy!
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