I saw a segment on Weekend Today about addiction today, and I think I have a problem.
After seeing several women talk about their addiction, I decided that I too have an addiction. To lip gloss.
It's not something I'm proud of, but I suppose it's time I came clean.
I don't know what it is, the slippery moist feel on my lips, the taste (MAC tastes like vanilla - SO enticing) the way on a windy day my hair sticks to my lips - so attractive, or maybe it's ceased to be a choice, and become something I can't not do. That thought is a little scary.
Like many with addictions I secure my source. I have a Chap Stick by my bed, tubes of gloss in my purse, car and bathroom. If I can't put it on I can feel myself getting antsy, my lips getting dryer and dryer until it becomes all I can think about. I whip out my gloss during meetings, at church, while driving and shopping.
The good news is apparently there is no downside to this affliction, but I suppose it's a really good thing that I caught this in time. Before I move on to harder substances like facial masks and leave-in hair conditioner.
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