Friday, July 4, 2008

Ann Leary - No Need to "Rescue" This Author

As part of my summer of getting the chance to interview very fun and interesting people for the paper I write for, I have had the wonderful opportunity to interview a writer whose book I loved, Ann Leary.

Being the spouse of a big-time TV star isn’t always easy, but both in real life and in fiction, author Ann Leary knows that role well.

See, Ann Leary is the wife of “Rescue Me” star, Denis Leary. She's walked red carpets and has been right by her husband’s side as he’s risen from struggling Boston comic to bona fide star of movies and television. It’s not surprising that she would choose to explore this topic in her first novel, “Outtakes From A Marriage.”
Ann was an absolute delight to talk to, and since I interviewed her I've gotten hooked on her blog at her Web site.
The Leary's lead an interesting life. Denis is busy starring in his FX series, Ann is already hard at work on her next novel, they've got two teens, and live on a small farm in Connecticut.
"Outtakes From A Marriage" is a very funny, touching story where while the protagonists are indeed in an exceptional situation -stardom of one spouse - the nuts and bolts of being in a long-term marriage ring true whether you're married to a landscaper, writer or yes, a big-time TV and movie star. Due to her vantage point, Ann Leary is in the position to show those of us on the outside of the world of celebrity a world few of us will ever know. And it's a very fun look indeed!
I wrote about my friend, author Claire Cook the other day, and made it clear as an aspiring novelist that I love the chance to pick the brains of those already living that dream of mine. I find talking to writers like Ann Leary inspiring. She is the first to admit that yes, being married to Denis allowed her to get on national talk shows to talk about her book and get a lot of press, but what she didn't say to me, but I will, is that it doesn't matter who you're married to if your book isn't good, and hers is. Also, being married to a celebrity doesn't matter one little bit when it comes to sitting yourself down every single day in front of that computer and slogging away to write that book, something I know first hand that takes a hell of a lot of discipline. It reminds me of Oprah saying, yes, she can hire a trainer and a cook, but it's her ass on that treadmill every morning at 6. No one can do it for you, you have to do it yourself.
I look forward to Ann's next book, one that she says is a complete departure from this one. She has a great career ahead of her, and I can't wait to cozy up with the next book for a very fun ride.

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