Monday, February 11, 2008

Run and Sniffy

I have a cold. It's been so long since I've had a cold I can't even remember when it was. Three, four years ago maybe?

I'm not good at being down and out, partly because I'm self-employed and can't ever not work, but mostly because I don't have the patience for not feeling well. I just can't stand lying low and resting, too much to do!
So, here I sit, dripping and running and hoping like hell I feel much better tomorrow.

I am always on the lookout for holistic ways to get rid of a cold and have had some fun today - in between drinking lots of tea and blowing my nose - to see if there are any natural cures out there that might have escaped my attention in the time since my last cold.

I know one of the best things about homemade chicken soup for colds is garlic, but I read online that you should make garlic soup, and add onion juice to it. I already knew about onions - I've heard them called "nature's antibiotic," and I think if I were to make garlic soup laced with onions I won't have to worry about anyone getting close enough to me to give me anything else. Perhaps this would be a good preventative cure - keeping germs and people far away.

There was also a remedy that stated how eating hot peppers will help. I decided to sprinkle some crushed red pepper flakes into my omelet tonight, and once my nose stopped running (a good thing I presumed) it became even more raw with the wiping needed to stop the flood. Maybe not such a good idea.

Years ago I read somewhere that you should put your feet in hot water, then into cold, and do this several times to draw the virus from your head. The only thing that happened when I did it was I spilled the pan of cold water (I had the hot in the bathtub) and when I went to get a towel to clean up the large puddle, I slipped and almost hit my head on the vanity thereby narrowly missing something far worse than a cold. Klutzy girls and water on tile don't mix.

Apparently there really isn't much to be done, it's a matter of waiting it out and looking like Rudolph's sister in the interim.

The only upside I've seen so far is that the idea of crawling into bed with the new book that was sent to me doesn't fill me with guilt thinking that after writing all day for work I should be working on my book in the evening. No, I have to get into bed because I have a rhinovirus, and he's a pretty sketchy looking character who will require all my effort to battle down.

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